Tuesday, April 3, 2007


OK, so I don't know what episode this was...the two hour one. First I must say Hip Hip Hooray and for those of you who know me, you know why.

Then I want to say "You go, Charla!" She's the little person, right? She kind of bit back at Myrna...It felt good to see that. And I thought she was very cool to do the horse. I can't imagine being her size and doing that. It would be like leading a dinosaur I think.

And how ridiculous to make that little Charla eat that sausage that was as big as she. Whoever thought that was a good idea should have had to eat one proportional to their size.

The fast forward was lame lame lame. No blood to drink? No heads to shave? No bugs to eat? For shame, those who think these things up.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Amazing Race 11 Episode 4

Is that right? Really just episode 4?

I am in shock over those Charla and Myrna...

And I think this is the first time that the race has been spread out over a number of days...that airplane thing did last over 2 days, right? By the time everyone got through it?

Thought we might lose Team Guido...there's always next week, I guess.

I didn't have any real feeling about Terri and Ian. She was kind of crabby and so was he. They didn't have the charm that is needed with those older couples...I did like when he said "We aren't going to give up...they are going to have to beat us"...good way to think.

Kind of a let down...at the end, but a few twists and turns throughout the show, so overall pretty good.

Next week is a two hour episode so watch for that.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Non Elimination:-)

Well, that was a close one for my Uchenna.

We'll see how they do next week. How about Myrna and Charla? HOW ABOUT the ex detective??? Wanting all that money for nails??? Only having to do 2 people??? THAT was amazing...

Danny and Oswald...I really thought they would do nails... Team Guido...ugh as usual.

Eric and Danielle...I still don't know really...he is kind of ick, but she seems OK, I think.

The Beauty Queens...they were OK. I guess. Sweet to the little girl about the nails...

I had to rerun the beginning thing with Rob and Amber getting booted about 6 times...that will never get old with me I don't think.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Late Again...

but you know, as we have seen, the best things are worth waiting for...like ROB AND AMBER GETTING THE BOOT!

Even though Myrna's shrieking was about to make me turn off the TV, I still hoped in my heart of hearts that Rob and Amber would get the axe. And they did....

Then sitting and waiting to see if it might be a non elimination round...but NO...Rob and Amber, your charmed existence has now come to a close and I must bid you a not-too-fond farewell. hee hee hee

I have to say that this show has more people that I would like to get rid of than any race I have watched so far. At this moment, I think I would like Dani and Uchena to win. This is kind of a bizarre show anyway, so how about if they just combine forced and leave their partners behind?

Now, I am ready for both of the all-man smooching teams to go....wish we could have a double elimination....and Charla...is she the big one on that team? Ready for her to go as well...

Monday, March 5, 2007

Amazing Race 11 episode 3

You will not believe this...I was talking with my Brother Buffalo last night and his bride was mocking me because we double record Amazing Race. We record it on the DVD and on the VCR, in case the DVD one has some kind of malfunction...

So last night as we were getting ready to watch, Mr. Buffalo realizes that neither one recorded the show because the time was 6 hours off on the clock. How this happened we do not know...nothing else has been affected by a power outage and we don't think that the little buffaloes have been in messing with it.

Mr. Buffalo said to me, "If it is anyone but Dave and Mary who get booted off, it would probably be interesting to see it (read "If Dave and Mary are eliminated, the only surprise is 'Why so late?'".).

And so, upon checking Miss Ali's column at Television Without Pity, it was in fact, Dave and Mary.

I don't know anything else really...if I have time (hahahahaha....whew...that was funny to say) I can read the pay by play on Saturday.

Have a great week and next week, we will add "Check clock to see that auto record will be able to record at 7 PM" to the list of things to do Sunday afternoon.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Amazing Race 11 Episode 2

OK, if you came over here to see what I thought on Monday, I wasn't here...I missed our appointment and I'm sorry...really. I did watch the show, but if you are reading my other blog you know that I am really working on a project and I just got sidetracked...

Kevin and Drew- I will say that Kevin seems fine, but Drew lost me last week with his fall...apparently he needed oxygen at the pit stop and I am thinking to myself that he just doesn't seem ready to do this race. Some people just aren't cut out for this kind of thing. And Drew is mean...if the flight attendant doesn't move the bags, he should leave them alone. The stuck car scene was hilarious except that I was concerned that Drew was going to hurt Kevin. At the end of the show, well I will just say Drew was consistent to what we had seen of him thus far.

Oswald and Danny-Are these guys gay or not? His manicurist was going to be so mad? I really don't remember much else about them in the show. Manicurist...sheesh.

Uchenna and Joyce-I like Uchenna...I try to like Joyce...I did not understand why Joyce gave the answer at the Road Block to Ian...that seemed really stupid. I loved the look Uchenna gave in the conversation in the car after the Road Block. Not a word about what she was saying, but I thought, "Yeah, he'll probably get a p9inch for that when Joyce sees it on the show. Can Uchenna and Dave be a team?

David and Mary-Mary Mary Mary...don't be such a showoff...you just need to show the security guard your word...you don't have to pronounce it....loudly...for all to hear. And I am surprised that you were surprised that Mirna and Charla passed you...you have no alliances, but as Guitar Hero says, "It's a game...you're not supposed to help each other..."

Charla and Mirna-Charla/Mirna (not sure which one is which...I will pay more attention next week), you have chosen to do the race with a Little Person...she is going to need step stools...she is not going to run as fast as the others...get a grip. And as much as I don't like the Beauty Queens, that outtake from Charla and Mirna about fading beauty and enduring morals and integrity and then the laugh from the BQ was funny...I hated that it was funny but it was.

Rob and Amber-I don't like you. I really think there are very few who do...not because you couldn't win, but because you probably could without all your nonsense. And stop talking...it just makes me like you even less, if that is possible.

Terri and Ian-Want to like you...want the whole police thing to help you...but so far, you don't seem overly perceptive...

Eric and Danielle-I'm sorry....not really paying that much attention to Eric and Danielle yet...I did notice that Danielle is looking pretty..ummmm....natural on the show. She was always kind of put together the first time she was on (look at her pic on the website), but this time...well, I don't know what is happening there. Was this the show where he said everything would be good as long as she did everything he told her to do? It made me hope he would screw up and that she would be right sometime. I am going to look for that.

Joe and Bill-I want to forget you are gay...not like I want you to win, but I just don't want to be reminded. Quit saying it. I don't know who I want to win, but you are targeted for elimination when I am watching the show.

Dustin and Kandice-girls...you are not the center this time...that does make me happy. That whole scene with you and Mirna/Charla was sad. Don't mooch. It is beneath you.

As I look over these people...I don't have affection for any team. I think Uchenna is a good man...if I had to choose now, I guess Uchenna would be my pick for a team to cheer for. But it is still early and I may change my mind...

I'll try to be better next week. Thanks for visiting...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Episode 1

You know, sometimes Big Girl Buffalo cries as though she lost a limb when the truth is that she just fell down with no visible injury...and then later if she cries again I am not so sympathetic...

That will be the case from now on with YOU , Kevin and Drew...all that wincing and crying and your shoulder was FINE. I will always devalue your reactions from this moment forward.

Rob and Amber, I think you are so annoying and thank you John Vito, for speaking for those of us in the world who have really heard and seen enough about Rob and Amber and from them. I have resigned myself to the likelihood that they will be here for the duration, but it will comfort me to the end that there is at least one other person who shares my feeling about those two.

The Beauty Queens....well, as I was watching last night, I thought, "There is so much going on here that I almost forget you are on the show. What a good feeling.

Team Guido...ugh.

Not sure what to think of Danny and Oswald...really best friends? What does "platonic husbands" mean?

Eric and Dani...not a clear sense of them.

Dave and Mary (really Mary) is/are not going to be sweet and with integrity anymore apparently, which moves them down on my list.

The cousins with the little person...I don't know...something about them that makes them not lovable to me...may just be me.

The retired police guy and his wife...not enough info on them either to make a judgement.

Euchena (sp?) and Joyce...I still like them...I liked them the last time. Still wanting that baby...I wonder how old they are?

For now, they will probably be my choice.